As a parent what are some of the most important things you want for and from your children? Health? Success? Stability? To be loved? To be able to love back?

Now, I know there are a multitude of ways to express love. But imagine never getting to actually hear your child tell you they love you. This was my reality.

Until yesterday.

Westynn hears us say “I love you!” all day long but doesn’t acknowledge it much. So I decided I would start trying to teach her the ASL (American Sign Language) sign for it. Westynn has very limited fine motor skills and it is hard for her to do anything very detailed with her fingers, such as doing signs correctly. Most of her sign language is modified to fit the motions she can easily make. She typically uses an open hand, a closed fist, or one pointer finger. I knew “I love you” was going to be a long shot. I worked for a couple of days on it but then forgot about it, as I do with most things these days. I want to specify, I don’t “give up” on things, I just forget that I’m doing them is all! haha! Mom brain is a real thing in this house.

WELL… yesterday while at Grammys house I said “I love you” to Westynn. All of the sudden she pulled her fist up, stared at it for a minute then started using her other hand to manipulate her fingers into the sign for “I love you”!!!! I don’t think I’ve ever been so in awe of her and how smart and resourceful and AMAZING she is!! The only other time I remember feeling such joy in this journey is the day she said “Mama”. (Which she has currently lost the ability to do, but we are working on getting some vocalizing back with more therapy!)

Now I can tell my sweet girl I love her AND SHE CAN TELL ME BACK!!

So, we have accomplished one more thing in the great parental check off list. 🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼 Keep them coming baby!

To see the full video follow Watching Westynn on Facebook and Instagram!


Grammy Sandy
October 11, 2019 at 4:17 pm

Love you Shay and how much you work with Westynn and Harrow 💞

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Hi Guys and Gals!

October 9, 2019