“Shoot Foo! Daddy Status!” -Michael Anttila

This is a loooooo-oooooo-oooooong overdue shoutout to the man behind it ALL. Seriously, all of it.

You guys are always saying, “You’re so strong!” and “You’re such a good mom” which always makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER about my disaster of a life. But… full transparency… my knight in shining armor, my hairy hunk, my daddy-foo, is the reason why! (Well, Jesus backs him up too 😉)

He seriously does it ALL. Works, cooks, cleans, parents, does my projects, takes care of the property, all the animals… EVERYTHING. I honestly don’t even remember the last time I cooked breakfast. Yikes, thats slightly embarrassing. I’m dropping the curtain to tell you guys how easy I really have it. He does, like, quadruple the amount of things that I do. And the best part… he never EVER rubs my lack of keeping up with him in my face.

He is the ying to my yang. I am the bad parent and he is the good parent. I am the impulse buyer and he is the research (like, alooooooot of research, ugh) before buying type. I am the easygoing driver and he is the road rager. I’m always sweaty, he is always cold. I’m persistent and he is patient. I’m needy and he is extremely self sufficient.

He is everything 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 says love is.

Love is patient. (patient with ALL the times I change my mind and rearrange and try a new fad diet and spend money on all the Goodwill and garage sale things!)

Love is kind. (have you ever met anyone nicer than Michael? I mean really though…)

Love does not envy. (he is rarely jealous, probably cus he’s amazing, so has no reason to be.)

Love does not boast. (if anything he undermines himself and his accomplishments when speaking!)

Love is not proud. (Only proud of his little girls!)

Love is not rude. (well, sometimes when he first wakes up… yikes, I don’t think he reads these, so don’t tell him I said that. lol)

Love is not self-seeking. (everything he does, he does to help others, not better himself)

Love is not easily angered. (it takes a LOT to make him raise his voice.)

Love keeps no record of wrongs. (i don’t do anything wrong… so nothing to keep record of. Heehee)

Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. (idk about this one, sometimes he pulls out some hilarious little truth stretchers…)

Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always PERSEVERES. He has been through a lot in his 31 years, and each year he comes out bigger and better and stronger. (and more good looking!) I aspire to be more like him! Thankfully he parked himself right next to me for life, so I can learn from him more each day.

Without Michael, the girls and I would be a disaster. So babe… Thanks for keeping us afloat, for keeping me sane, and for being our world! WE LOVE YOU!

…(and you’re hot too)

Cruisin for a Snoozin!

June 18, 2020