Missing Her Person

Do you have someone you trust with all of your secrets? Who you can be your complete uninhibited self with? Who loves you no matter what you say or do? Someone who just feels like home? Do you have a “person”?

Westynn has one of those too. It’s her Grammy. There is nobody in this world who can light up her spirit like Grammy does. To the point that I tend to find myself getting slightly jealous at times. They have a bond that I don’t think anyone else could ever touch, or understand. It’s absolutely beautiful. To see your baby, who doesn’t necessarily form strong relationships, have such a pull towards one certain person.

Grammy is sick. She isn’t able to be Westynns person right now. And that is heartbreaking for me. She is able to see her from time to time, but they aren’t able to play their silly little games that only they know. Ten, Howling, Butterfly, Noogy… there are hundreds of secret games they have. I don’t know anyone else that will be able to access that spot in Westynns heart again. I pray and pray and pray we don’t lose that beautiful piece of her.

I hate cancer. I hate cancer for stealing precious time with Westynns person. I hate it for taking away her Grandad. And her Aunt. And who knows how many other important people in her life to come. We trust our God without a single doubt… but that doesn’t make it suck any less!

This seems to have turned into more of a venting post as opposed to an informative one… but thank you for reading along anyways!

*clarifying… Grammy is still with us! But she is just too sick to be able to be with Westynn much right now*


Diann Bonkowski
November 5, 2019 at 2:59 am

My heart breaks for you honey. You carry such a load and carry it so well.
I know you miss your dad, he was an awesome person. Now you are carrying the hurt of your mom being so sick. We also know Westynn is missing her special
Loving Grandma, her play palm day the other special part of her lovings that gramma’s give.
Like I said you e got a load to carry, and I’m so sorry..
May God Bless You give you peace as much as you can be through all your struggles, pain, and love. These are a few of the things I pray for everyday for you.
My prayer list is long as well as My Thank You Prayers..
I only know God hears all prayers, answers, and won’t give us more than we can bare..Love to you and your family..Keep that beautiful smile. 💌 ♥️ & many 🙏🙏

Lise Taylor
November 6, 2019 at 5:43 pm

Praying for that beautiful “person” to get well and fulfill her delightful duties as Westynn’s “person” again soon.

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December 21, 2019