Meet The Fam

Michael and Shaylee

(AKA Dada and Mama)

Michael is just living his best life surrounded by the 3 women of his dreams! Heehee. He spends half of the year working at a paper mill in town, and the rest of it doing projects around the property. He is the hardest working man you’ll ever meet, the guy cant sit still for a second! He has the biggest servants heart and is helping others as often as he can find a spare minute to! He loves tinkering around his shop, trying out new recipes on his smoker, mowing the lawn, and riding his dirtbike.

Shaylee lives in the land of limbo. The days consist of Westynns therapies, doctors appointments, school, running a business with her brother, trying to find time to help at the dental office she used to work full time at, and raise a semi-functioning family! Thank you Lord for Zoloft and the Roomba! Her very favorite thing to do is take walks outside, go hiking, explore and research old abandoned places, and creep in other peoples business (maybe a flaw haha!).

Westynn Taralee

(AKA Westy the Besty)

Westynn (at the time of writing this) is almost 4 years old! She is incredibly intelligent, she knew her ABCs by the time she was 16 months, and quickly taught herself numbers, colors and shapes as well. She has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, Esotropia, and an undiagnosed genetic condition that we haven’t been able to find an answer for yet. She is non-verbal, and does most communication by using some sign language and motioning to things. She cant stand or walk independently yet, but she can get to where she wants to be by crawling faster than a speeding bullet! She LOVES to be outside, loves the wind, bubbles, toys with bright lights/buttons/sounds, and her Grammy!

Harrow Grace

(AKA Hairs)

Harrow is the baby of the family! 1.5 years of feisty goodness. She loves doing all the things she isn’t suppose to do. AND CHICKENS, the girl loves her chickens. She eats all day long, runs away from mom all day long, and will spend the entire day walking around playing with the animals on the farm. Its also rare to find her without an apple in her hand, she just carries the same one around most of the day munching on it. Michael and Shay prayed for a strong sibling that would be able to advocate for Westynn as they grew up together and boy-oh-boy did they get a strong one. Strong willed, strong headed, strong attitudes… she will be someone incredible when she grows up, just wait and see!