If there’s one thing I’ve learned since becoming a mother…


I don’t know that I’ve ever been an over-the-top judgmental person, but I’ve definitely done my fair share of mom shaming. I remember saying “my child will NEVER throw a fit like that” or “oh my gosh look at those parents giving their kid a tablet and headphones (while at a restaurant) I will NEVER” or how about “it’s freezing out and that child has no coat or shoes on… poor baby, who does that?!”

PSA guys… we do AAAAALL of that and then some. We throw uncontrollable fits. Full on hitting, scratching, kicking, slamming heads on the ground. We can’t go into any public establishment without having a tablet in tow, and our noise cancelling headphones are always in my purse. Oh, and shoes? Hahaha! That’s funny. Don’t even get me started on a coat, hat or gloves. Not gunna happen.

There’s still sometimes I get little flashbacks of different times I silently judged another parent for something I am doing at that very second. It makes me want to go back in time and hug each of those mothers and apologize profusely.

We obviously need to look out for all children’s welfare… but we need to remember, we don’t know each and every story. The child throwing a fit may be extremely over stimulated to the point of no return and doesn’t know how else to deal with what he is feeling. The mother of the child with the tablet may not be able to go out to run essential errands in public without the distraction of the tablet and the headphones to cancel out the noise and stimulation for her kiddo. The one without shoes, may have a sensory processing disorder and physically can’t handle the feel of certain clothes. The four year old with a pacifier hanging out of her mouth all day everyday?…. okay yea, we have no excuse for that one. I just need to throw them all away. haha!

Moral of the post… You don’t know what the story may be, but unless you feel like the child is in eminent danger, just have some empathy and compassion. If someone is struggling, offer assistance! Even as much as a warm smile can turn someone’s day around! The world already dishes out enough dark judgment, make a change and be the light. I promise you, it will make a difference!

Help!.... I think?

January 11, 2020

Cruisin for a Snoozin!

June 18, 2020