Cruisin for a Snoozin!

If you follow us on any form of social media I’m sure you’ve seen our most recent miracle… SLEEP!

Westynn, and most kiddos with her CTNNB1 diagnosis, struggle with sleeping through the night. Which in turn means the entire family struggles as well! We aren’t sure why, but Westynn will typically wake after just a couple hours of sleep with this insane amount of energy, even more than she has during the day. Imagine a 6 month old lab puppy being in a cage all day, and then getting let out into a field full of tennis balls and bubbles. SO. MUCH. CHAOS. That is Westynn from midnight til 4am! I have no idea how she (or any of us) function. Typically she is pretty happy during these wake-ups THANKFULLY! If I can get past how sleep deprived I am, it’s actually really fun to watch her.

I’ve struggling with the thought of putting her on prescription medication for awhile. I prayed and prayed on it, really didn’t want to go that route, but I didn’t know what else to do. She wont take melatonin anymore, and even when she did it wouldn’t keep her asleep, it just helped her fall asleep initially. We had succumbed to giving her Benadryl most nights to try to get her as rested as possible, and I always felt so guilty for it. Sleep is SO important though right?! It’s when your body and brain do the majority of growing and healing, and Westynn was missing out on vital hours each night!

I had a dear friend (shoutout to my sleep saver Danielle!!) who had been talking about Young Living essential oils for a couple years and I was always intrigued by all the uses for them, so I reached out to her. Initially I was looking for something natural to help with her intense behavior swings she was having. I figured her lack of sleep wasn’t helping the mood swings, so I decided to grab Seedlings Calm linen spray to (fingers crossed) help calm her during the night. I figured, the worst thing that could happen is… nothing happening. Then we were no worse off, and would get a prescription for a sedating drug. SOOOOOO, with a prayer and a bit of skepticism I got myself a starter kit so I could have a couple staple oils to try for myself, some Thieves cleaner concentrate (cus I was tired of all the chemicals Westynn was ingesting every time she licked something, which is 23 out of 24 hours a day) and the Seedlings Calm linen spray.

Fast forward a week or so… my bff  (Jason the UPS guy) drops off my 50 Amazon packages and a box with the Seed to Seal stamp. Here goes nothing. That night I grab the linen spray and douse Westynns bed and blankets. GO BIG OR GO HOME. Said our prayers, said goodnight and out I went with fingers and toes crossed.

TWELVE HOURS LATER, she wakes up! What the heck! Fluke… There’s NO WAY.

 I’m typing this two weeks after that first night, and SHE HAS NOT WOKEN UP DURING THE NIGHT ONCE since we started spraying! I’ve been afraid to talk about it, because I don’t want to jinx it. I’ve even added in a sleepy blend of oils to her feet and neck just because I don’t ever want this sleeping business to end! Two straight weeks of sleeping through the night is a freaking game changer people. Westynn had one of her best days at occupational and speech therapy yesterday, walking/talking/eating/painting. Her severe mood swings have slowed down, she is starting to try new foods, her walking as gotten noticeably stronger and she’s using her voice more! She (WE!) needed this break so badly.

All thanks to a little bit of oil and a WHOLE LOT of Jesus!