Blog post

I wish I wasn’t a special needs mom…

You read that right, I wish I wasn’t a special needs mom. I’ve seen a million blog posts from special needs parents all stating that they wouldn’t change their special needs children. That’s not me. Now, I love my little girl for […]

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“Shoot Foo! Daddy Status!” -Michael Anttila

This is a loooooo-oooooo-oooooong overdue shoutout to the man behind it ALL. Seriously, all of it. You guys are always saying, “You’re so strong!” and “You’re such a good mom” which always makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER about my disaster of […]

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Cruisin for a Snoozin!

If you follow us on any form of social media I’m sure you’ve seen our most recent miracle… SLEEP! Westynn, and most kiddos with her CTNNB1 diagnosis, struggle with sleeping through the night. Which in turn means the entire family struggles as […]

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If there’s one thing I’ve learned since becoming a mother…

STOP JUDGING I don’t know that I’ve ever been an over-the-top judgmental person, but I’ve definitely done my fair share of mom shaming. I remember saying “my child will NEVER throw a fit like that” or “oh my gosh look at those […]

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Help!…. I think?

Do you have a friend going through a divorce? How about infertility? New mamas? Special Needs Parents? Someone who has lost a close family member or friend? Reach out to them. Don’t ask if they need help. Just help. Drop off dinner, […]

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You’ve heard the saying “One in a million”…

Well we just discovered our girl is one in FIFTY MILLION. Yep, you read that right. 1 in 50,200,000. There are approximately 150 in the whole world who have a variant of CTNNB1 Syndrome. Just like Westynn. CTNNB1 Syndrome is a deletion, […]

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Public… Yay or Nay?

The internal battle is real. I have a constant struggle over what is or isn’t the “right” path to take with Westynn. Do we cater to her special needs? Do we act as if she has none and hold her to the […]

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Missing Her Person

Do you have someone you trust with all of your secrets? Who you can be your complete uninhibited self with? Who loves you no matter what you say or do? Someone who just feels like home? Do you have a “person”? Westynn […]

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Peace That Passes Understanding

You want to know what bothers me about being a special needs parent? Nothing. (For the most part) I think I’m pretty laid back in the world of special needs parenting. You want to ask about Westynn, go ahead. You want to […]

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As a parent what are some of the most important things you want for and from your children? Health? Success? Stability? To be loved? To be able to love back? Now, I know there are a multitude of ways to express love. […]

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